Thursday 13 August 2015

Currently Obsessed: GLO Pop.

I'm going through something. I don't know if it's my age, a mid-life crisis or if I am just looking in the mirror too often. I am noticing EVERY LITTLE THING and taking action. So far this year I have had botox, fillers, had a lot of work done on my teeth, cut my hair, died my hair lighter, died my hair darker, had face peels in amongst multiple facials -- I could go on. I have never been overly obsessed with my looks. Maybe it is the getting older thing and being obsessed with beauty and beauty treatments. One thing that I noticed lately, even after spending a lot on my teeth, is that they were just not as white and bright as they had been. When I had the opportunity to try teeth whitening breakthrough from Dr. Jonathan Levine, I jumped at the chance. I recently put his 10-day GLO Pop Daily Teeth Whitening Kit to the test, and seeing as my friends have noticed a difference, I would say that it was a success.

GLO Pop Daily Teeth Whitening Kit

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