Thursday 30 July 2015

National Lipstick Day: My Favorite Lipsticks.

Today is National Lipstick Day! With more lipsticks than anything else in my makeup collection, I think it's great that this makeup item has a nationally recognized day.

Did you even know that in 1923, the swivel tube lipstick was invented? This makeup item has become something us makeup girls take for granted. This amazing little beauty we call lipstick has become a daily staple in my life, and I am betting many of yours too.

I have tried hundreds and hundreds - if not thousands of lipsticks over the years and definitely have my favorites. I am not even going to get into colors when talking about my favorite lipsticks because those change seasonally, but I definitely have my favorites. Choosing my favorite lipsticks is pretty difficult hard, so I am going with my ten most used lipsticks -- as in brands. Any of these would be great for adding to your daily beauty routine.

Best Lipsticks for Everyday Use

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